Let me tell you a story, the story of a 7-year kid (maybe me, maybe you, maybe your son or daughter…) being inspired by his parents to be his own superhero:
– Who is your hero? – my father asked.
– Spider-Man! – I said excitedly.
– Why my son? – my father asked.
– Dad, because he knows what is right, what is wrong. And he has superpowers! He can save and protect the good guys and our planet against the villains! – I answered, even more excited.
– And how are you going to look and act like him? – my father asked.
– I don’t know… I’ll have to find a spider to bite me… – I said, laughing out loud.
My father and I couldn’t stop laughing.
– I have an idea that can save us from the hospital… Shall I tell you? – My mom said, joining the conversation.
So my mom started to first tell me a story, followed later on by many other stories (with my dad) embedded in a game called #ConsciousKids. It changed my life!
– Tell me, my son, do you remember when you learned to ride a bike? How many times do you fall? Do you remember the knee injuries? And your cries of pain and frustration? – Said mom.
– Well yes, mom! – I answered.
– With your dad, we saw you fall, cry, scream with rage and we saw you get up, try again and fall down and try again.- Said mom.
– Yes, with mom we looked at each other and I remember we said to ourselves: “He is beautiful, our little one hero!”. – Said dad.
– Do you know why? Nope? Tell me: When did you feel proud and strong like a hero? – Ask mom.
– Well when I managed for the first time to pedal alone without falling for many meters, I was so happy and I cried with joy to be the hero! – I answered.
– There you were just happy to have succeeded. For us, you were a hero every time you got up crying after falling and hurting yourself. – My dad said.

– That’s how and when you were a real hero for us: You showed us your strength, your courage, and your determination to overcome your weakness, and you didn’t give up despite your failures and your pain. – My mom said.
– The important thing is not to fall it’s how you get up. – My dad said.
– Oh yeah, I think I got it. – I said
– Good! So, what other opportunities can you find to be your own hero? – Dad replied
– Okay, but that sounds difficult to me. I think it’s easier to go back to the search for the spider than to give me superpowers. – I said
– Don’t worry son. I have an idea! Would you like to play a game with mom and dad? – My mom said.
– Yes, I love playing with you. – I said
– Well, welcome to the Conscious Kids game. We’ll be back with more stories very soon! Are you ready? – My mom said.
– Yes! – we all answered in unison and we laughed together and hugged each other. This game sounds like fun.