Evaluation and kick-off
We start with evaluating the quality of the interpersonal synergy and of the unique leadership styles of each of each executive through a round of evaluation tests, interviews, and a kick-off workshop.
Purge your leadership team of politics and other behaviors that slow performance down.
It’s hard to admit it, but corporate sicknesses, such as silo thinking, office politics, and mistrust, are usually born as minor cooperation problems in the management team. If not treated or prevented, they later grow into huge performance challenges throughout the organization – challenges that have a direct impact on the bottom line.
Ideally, our program should act as a prevention tool to help new teams avoid these challenges, but it’s never too late. Assuming that all people in your team have good intentions, there is a way to change how those intentions manifest in communication and behaviors. You can turn your management team into a High-Performance Team – a team of committed and accountable individuals with a sharp focus on common goals.
We don’t take managers to retreats or send them to play games, hoping they will become friends (not that anything is wrong with that). We focus on their mindsets – on the way they think about cooperation and responsibility. After creating an initial awareness, we remove the justifications they provide to counterproductive attitudes and behaviors.
By helping team members be more mindful of their actions, and by arming them with common language and tools, we create an aligned group. One that you can actually call a TEAM.
We start with evaluating the quality of the interpersonal synergy and of the unique leadership styles of each of each executive through a round of evaluation tests, interviews, and a kick-off workshop.
At this stage, we start asking hard questions and exposing counterproductive behaviors. By forcing people to deal with their actions in an honest but non-judgmental way we end up with a set of principles and agreements on how to deal with future challenges.
We dive into your day-to-day engagements and decision-making processes. We take part in team meetings and ask hard questions demanding commitment to the previously established set of rules. We also individually coach each of the executives on their personal engagement styles and lead difficult conversations.
After creating commitment and providing tools for day-to-day cooperation, we leave in order to return a few months later. This time, we focus on solving the expected relapse to some of the old behaviors and making sure that the transformation is complete.